These kayaks are small and stable for use on the sea, dams, lakes and non-rocky rivers. Perfect for using as a platform to fish, snorkel and swim from.
We offer a range for young children to adults. These Kayak’s are small and light, comfortable and very stable craft with a big cockpit. Perfect for paddling on protected waters.

SOT Fishing kayaks and skis have become extremely popular with fishermen the world over from river to sea and from fly to bottom fishing.
Generally a longer kayak from 3.7m to 5m being more suitable for trawling. Not every SOT is ideal for fishing – and you need to establish if you are looking for a versatile fishing kayak or a specialised fishing kayak or ski?
A fishing kayak is designed with a kayak shape hull for speed and tracking, whereas the fishing ski is designed after a surf lifesaving board.
Both are designed for surf and sea use. The kayak hull will be faster, more stable and track straighter whereas the ski hull is well suited to surf entry and exit.
Some fishing kayaks come in an extremely versatile package and can be used for snorkelling, scuba diving, exercise and even multi-day trips on the sea or rivers (up to grade 3 rapids) as well.
Some models even have a flat floor for standing and fly fishing. The Fishing-ski is a very specific fishing craft and is custom made to measure.
Sit-on-top Accessories: Paddle, Pfd, thigh-straps. Optional extras include, roof-racks, tie downs, foam board protectors/cradles, flag for transportation. Dry bags, paddle leashes, safety equipment, fishing / gear pod.
Tandem or Solo
This decision should not be made until you have paddled both.
Kayaking is a lot easier than most people perceive it to be from a physical point of view. Kayaks have optimum cruising speeds so 2 kayaks of the same design being paddled by a 60kg lady and the other by a 90kg man will cruise at similar speeds once the paddling technique and general fitness has been acquired. 2 singles allow for more freedom than 1 double.
Doubles are however great for sharing with a nervous partner or where there is definite physical differences or if you just like being together.
Polymer or Composite
In other words plastic or fibreglass / Kevlar. Plastic is definitely the material of choice when it comes to durability.
Boats manufactured of this material are virtually indestructible, and some of the better quality imports have the ability to regain their original shape after impact.
These boats are the most versatile and are equally suited to paddling on rocky stretches of river and through rapids and those rather rough not so well timed beach landings as they are to paddling on the sea, lakes and dams.
Why buy from us?
- Canoeing and kayaking has various disciplines within the sport and remains extremely specialised. Anyone can sell you a boat, but is it the right boat? The wrong boat can be an expensive mistake.
- Getting the best advice on your choice of boat can only come from an experienced paddler with first hand knowledge. (Robbie Herreveld has been paddling for 30 years, competitively and socially and has great experience in all the disciplines).
- In order to make sure you are given the right advice on the right boat for your application we’ll ask you lots of questions and make sure you’re aware of all the options available to you.
- We will then go through our broad spectrum of kayaks and canoes from recreation, whitewater, touring, racing, sit-on-tops, fishing and in plastic and fibreglass with you as it is important to see, try and choose when all the options are available.
- We advise and encourage you to join one of our regularly held on water Demo Days to try out a range of boats before purchasing to ensure your choice is the right one.
- We also provide after-services like tuition and paddling technique as well as Whitewater trips andKayak tours to ensure maximum use of your purchase. (You automatically qualify for complimentary membership to our paddling clubs on the purchase of a Canoe & Kayak boat suited to the club
- We send out monthly e-newsletters to keep you up to date on what’s happened or about to happen, trips, tours and social evenings, slide evenings, guest speakers and get-togethers, etc.
- We offer a professional back-up service like repairs, warranty, etc.
Welcome to our family - The Canoe and Kayak World Family!
Glossary of Terms
Some kayaking lingo you may come across:
A canoe is an open craft with pointed ends operated by a single bladed paddle in a seated or kneeling position
A kayak is a decked boat operated with a double bladed paddle from a sitting position
Two person canoe or kayak
Single paddler
Deck - The top closed in area of the canoe or kayak
Hull - The bottom of the canoe or kayak
Bow - Front end of boat
Stern - Back end of boat
Initial stability - the immediate feel of the boat as you sit in it which will have great resistance to a lean.
Secondary stability - when the boat is leaned it will reach a position that it will start resisting capsize and not want to go any further.
Best to let your salesperson advise you on the benefits and drawbacks of both Initial and Secondary stability.
Volume - Used to describe overall capacity of a given hull shape
Tracking - The ability of a boat to hold a straight course
Rudder - A foot-controlled steering device.
Skeg - A fixed rudder
Chines - the edge of the kayak; transition between the hull and the deck.
Rocker - Upward curvature of the keel line from centre towards the ends of a boat. Lots of rocker means quick easy turns.
Keel - a centre line extrusion along the bottom of the boat from bow to stern
Length - the length of a boat clearly distinguishes touring kayaks from white water kayaks. The general rule is the longer the boat, the easier it glides and the faster it is, whereas the shorter the boat the more manoeuvrable it will be and slower.
Spray skirt - A tight waterproof cover designed to prevent water from entering the inside of a kayak, It attaches to the rim of the cockpit and the waist of the paddler.
PFD - Personal flotation device. A personal buoyancy vest
Paddle - Tool for propelling canoes and kayaks